Friday, August 24, 2012

Project 365

School has started, which means I have accomplished very little outside of my work life.  Now that we're two weeks in, I'm hoping to start getting on a routine so I can have a life other than teaching.  No luck so far!  Tonight I'm babysitting, and the kids are asleep, so I figured this was as good a time as any to get the blog updated.

Day 144: I won a Target gift card from a blog giveaway!  Go me!

Day 145: My dog-themed classroom is coming along quite nicely

Day 146: I was enjoying filling up my new vintage canisters until the bottom fell off one, dumping brown sugar all over my counter

Day 147: This is what time I left work today.  This wouldn't be so bad if my hours didn't technically end 2 hours and 8 minutes before this.  Gotta get ready for open house

Day 148: My house got hit by lightning in the storm yesterday.  Hit the phone box, grounded out through the fence, burned a couple holes in the yard, and split a fence post.  Luckily not terrible damage except a few blown outlets inside and the cable/Internet is out.

Day 149: Turns out Paul doesn't like grape cold medicine

Day 150: Cooked meals for the whole week this morning.  Dinner choices include chicken and veggie fajitas; ham, broccoli, and spinach quiche; or baked chicken with pasta and zucchini fries.  Figured not having to cook would make my first week back to school a little easier!

Day 151: Love my new lunchbox.  Tomorrow's lunch includes cucumbers with homemade Greek yogurt ranch, honeydew, Trader Joe's falafel chips with hummus, and a Babybel cheese

Day 152: Milo and Gigi wrestling

Day 153: Beautiful sunset tonight 

Day 154: Enjoying working on Etsy projects again

Day 155: Flowers from my husband to celebrate my first week of school
Day 156: Braves game with the fam for (late) Father's Day

Day 157: Another week's worth of meals ready to go.. honeydew, zucchini fries, homemade ranch, sweet potato burgers, cucumbers, rice, and tilapia

Day 158: I swear I could eat this whole bowl of honeydew melon

Day 159: Love my new shoes but hate having to buy from the men's section.  Stupid big feet.
Day 160: Sweet Baby Micah's birth announcement is up on my fridge

Day 161: Math games with my 3rd graders

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